I am looking forward to speaking this summer at SHIFT – July 17-18 in Fort Wayne, Indiana.SHIFT - 2013 National Conference | missionalchallenge.com

The focus of the conference is on the shifts and changes that are occurring or need to occur in the church, leadership, ministry and the world around us.

Featured speakers and workshop leaders include Francis Chan, Alan and Debra Hirsch, Steve Moore, Alvin VanderGriend, Dave DeSelm, Dan Grider, Dan Riemenschneider, Clinton Faupel and many others.

I’ve been asked to lead a workshop focused on exegeting your culture to be effective in ministry. Here’s a brief overview:

Just like good Bible study starts with exegeting a specific text, as missionaries we seek to exegete and understand the specific culture to which God has sent us with the gospel message. We try to discover what’s unique about the harvest field around us – and how God is already working. Then we can communicate the gospel message in relevant ways.

I expect it will be a great conference! I hope you’ll consider it.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Consider joining me for the SHIFT Conference this summer!