I love it when new groups of disciplemaking Christians gather for worship and celebration!

On 10-10-10 – hopefully thousands of new churches around the United States went public – many of them opening their doors for the first time to outside friends and guests. The 10-10-10 Initiative was coordinated by Exponential Network in partnership with churches, church planters, denominations and networks across the US. Here’s a link to a map of churches that launched today!

Today I want to celebrate with my friends Louis and Faith DeLuca who had a great Sunday BBQ and worship celebration this morning! I so wish that I could have been there.

One of the things I love about Louis and Faith is that they are living on mission with Jesus. They understand what it means to align your life with Jesus’ mission. They are focused on making disciples who make disciples who make disciples.

If you’d like to know more about Sojourn or how Louis and Faith are investing in a disciplemaking movement in Oxnard = go to www.sojournoxnard.com.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Pray for all of these new churches that have launched today! Be an encouragement to a new church in your area.