[featured_image]Aligning your life with Jesus’ mission requires commitment.

It’s commitment that requires effort and intentionality. And determination. If it were easy, everyone would make these commitments.

It’s not easy. But it’s necessary. And wise.

Join the mission of Jesus! Join a movement of Christians who are missionalists – aligning their lives with the mission of Jesus!

Will you make these commitments?

  1. I will seize the mission of Jesus as my own – obediently seeking to fulfill the Great Commission.
  2. I will pursue missional living – thinking and acting as a missionary in my neighborhood.
  3. I will exegete the cultures around me – defining and embracing my Circle of Accountability.
  4. I will incarnate the gospel – being Jesus to everyone I meet.
  5. I will make disciples who make disciples – training others to train others to follow Jesus and fish for men.
  6. I will start missional communities – gathering and multiplying groups of obedient disciplemakers.
  7. I will mobilize teams – mentoring and coaching others to live missionally.

We live in an age where commitment to anything is rare. People break commitments daily.

For too many Christians, aligning with the mission of Jesus is optional. It’s not preferred. It’s certainly not practiced.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Commit yourself to align your life with the mission of Jesus. Practice living on mission each and every day. Ask others to hold you accountable to these commitments.

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