[featured_image]Many church planters won’t ask for help. I think there are a combination of reasons why they don’t. Try these on…

1. They think they know how to do it better.
2. It’s often easier or faster to do things themselves.
3. They don’t know who to ask.
4. They are afraid of hearing “No.”8 Reasons Church Planters Must Ask for Help | missionalchallenge.com
5. Not calling for commitment and believing people are “on board” is better than calling for commitment and discovering they are not.

“You have not because you ask not.”

Church planters must ask for help!

Here are 8 Reasons why they must do this…

1. They don’t know how to do everything.
2. God has not called them to do everything.
3. They are not gifted to do everything.
4. Failing to ask for help is evidence of a prideful self-confidence.
5. Believers are robbed of the opportunity to contribute and use their gifts when a church planter goes it alone.
6. Calling for commitment is the only way to gain people’s full commitment.
7. Some people won’t commit until they are asked.
8. Asking for help allows God to meet that need in unexpected ways.

Consider who you need to ask for help!

While it’s necessary for church planters to ask others for help – it is paramount that church planters be seeking God’s help daily!

“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.”– Matthew 9:38

I’m amazed how many church planters that I talk with about this don’t spend very much time talking to the Lord of the Harvest – praying for workers for the harvest.

I’m also amazed how few church planters actually communicate regularly with a team of prayer partners who are committed to praying weekly or even daily for their efforts.

I know that they believe in the power of prayer, they just don’t pray. James writes, “You do not have because you do not ask God.” (James 4:2)

Today’s Missional Challenge

Spend 30 minutes praying to the Lord of the Harvest before doing any work to reach the harvest.