
Last year I enjoyed the opportunity to train supervisors and managers in a 3-day Coaching Workshop. At the end of the training we spent one of our final sessions discussing ways to advance a coaching culture within their organization.
The insights and ideas that they shared were excellent. I believe that this list is a great place to start for any government agency, non-profit or business. (See also: Benefits of a Coaching Culture)

20+ Ways to Advance a Coaching Culture

  • Meet with our managers to discuss the value of coaching
  • Start coaching our staff
  • Practice coaching at a peer level
  • Start with “baby” steps (with the team) – Use SMART technique (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Measured Action Steps)
  • Provide scheduled updates to our managers
  • Start on our own departmental basis
  • Teach it down the line to non-supervisor cadre to coach Direct Reports.
  • Set an example (foundational)
  • At the Center Level, all class alumni agree to help each other maintain focus on skills learned
  • Daily practice coaching methods and skills
  • Use coaching as a tool for performance plans and IDPs
  • Utilize coaching skills for follow-up issues in quarterly reviews
  • Develop an “asking” instead of “telling” environment
  • Use 80/20 Rule – listen more than talking
  • Utilize self-coaching
  • Integrate coaching in all training programs
  • Ask supervisor for coaching
  • Encourage supervisees to ask us for coaching
  • Utilize the coaching model in our employee relationships
  • Introduce coaching model to our subordinates and encourage them to use applicable aspects in the supervision of their staff (i.e., better listening, ask open questions.
  • More coaching and less commanding.
  • Utilize these skills with senior management to help influence their behavior to provide organizational culture change.

Let me encourage you to follow the example of this group of leaders. Consider attending a coach training! (Contact me to schedule a 3-day Coaching Workshop for your organization).

Also – review the list above and choose which ideas you can implement in your business or organization!

Today’s Missional Challenge

Consider which of these ideas will advance a coaching culture in your context.