[featured_image]Christian Associates is a church planting organization that is starting churches throughout Europe and beyond. Ten years ago they established a B.H.A.G. (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of establishing 50 churches by 2010. They’ve accomplished this vision and are now focused on using these 50 churches as a platform to multiply more churches.Linus Morris on Christian Associates | missionalchallenge.com

When I was in Southern France last month at Le Chateau de St. Albain, I had the opportunity to meet together with Dr. Linus Morris, the founder of Christian Associates. I asked him to share their vision and what God is doing through them to multiply churches.

Linus explains their focus is planting hub churches that are both sustainable and reproducing – “that start multiplying out and becoming church planting movements themselves….My hope is that those 50 churches could become 500.”

Watch this video (3 min) about Christian Associates…

Can you see it? A movement of 500 churches in Europe as a result of a vision to establishing sustainable and reproducible churches!

Today’s Missional Challenge

Consider your B.H.A.G. – Big Hairy Audacious Goal. How can God use you and your church to launch a movement of sustainable and reproducing churches in your city, county or state?

Recommended Reading:

The High Impact Church by Dr. Linus Morris