[featured_image]Asking questions is a great way to redirect conversations toward spiritual things. Asking questions can directly introduce God, Jesus, faith or the gospel into your conversation. Instead of waiting for opportunities, by asking an appropriate question, you creates them.

The way it works is simple. You straightforwardly raise a spiritual topic and then see if the person is interested in talking about it. While you don’t force anyone to discuss matters of faith, you do open wide the doorway to doing so.

Here are a few questions and conversation starters:

  • “If you’d ever like to know the difference between religion and Christianity, let me know. I’d be happy to talk to you about it.”
  • “I’m curious, do you ever think about spiritual matters?”
  • Genuinely ask: “How’s it going today? How’s it really going?
  • “Who, in your opinion, was Jesus Christ?”
  • “What’s your spiritual background? Were you taught a particular religious perspective as you grew up?”
  • “Do you ever wonder what happens to us when we die?”
  • “What do you think a real Christian is?”
  • “Where are you heading in your spiritual journey?”

It’s amazing how such simple questions can begin a process that ultimately revolutionizes the life of the other person. Don’t let the simplicity of these questions cause you to discount their usefulness. They can literally open doorways into eternity.

(adapted from Disciplemaking 101)