[featured_image]Strong marriages contribute to strong churches!

Church planters are on the front lines as God’s kingdom advances forward. One of the significant challenges that they face is caring for their marriage and family while they feel the urgency and pressure to get a new church started. Please pray this month that they are able to maintain healthy boundaries to prevent their church planting activities from negatively impacting their marriage.

Ministry families often feel that they are living in a fish bowl. Church planters and their families have a tremendous opportunity to model healthy relationships to their new church and in the community. Pray that they are able to represent wholesome family life without the pressure of being perfect.

The enemy has consistently attacked many pastors’ marriages to hinder and destroy churches. This is also true for church planters. Please pray for the protection of marriages. Pray for the sexual purity of church planters, for consistent date nights, and for healthy, honest communication with their wives.